Monday, December 7, 2009



It's with great regret that I inform you of my need to bow out of Clipper Chicks for a while. We have had an incredible amount on our family plate as of late and with my hectic schedule something had to give. I'm so sorry.

You all have been such an inspiration to me. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement over the months. I have thoroughly enjoyed being on the sidelines as you watched your savings grow and your grocery bill shrink.

I feel like Clipper Chicks is just starting to hit it's stride and I'm really hoping that the show will go on in my absence. I am looking for some ladies who would be willing to step up in leadership for the club. I would be more than happy to assist from email in any way that I can. Any takers? Please let me know!

I hope that you all have a very Merry Christmas celebrating the birth of our Savior and I hope to be back sometime next year!

Much Love,

PS- Michele, mommy to newborn Nathan and our vice-pres, will be still be able to come to some club meetings but not on a regular basis due to her family's schedule as well. We plan to keep the blog going and welcome any info you'd like to share with us to post on the blog! Thanks!