Thursday, August 6, 2009

I need to know if you're in!!!

I ordered 50 q's for the deal and the survey says:
The first three commenters on this post will get the q's.

20 for Michele.
10 for Sarah B.
20 for Sky.

Stay tuned for our results!! I did a test run yesterday with a b1g1 q that I had in my stash and it worked like a charm! :) We shall see!!!

*************************** know that I've said before that couponing is like hunting, right?

And sometimes you get your big buck and sometimes you miss.

Ladies...there is a BIG, BIG buck out there and I'm willing to take a shot at it!! Are you?

Check out this post about a HUGE money maker at Winn Dixie courtesy of Thrifty Florida Mamma.

You can make some BIG BUCKS at Winn Dixie buying the Glades Plugins that are B1G1 this week with the B1G1 q's from 7/26. Here's the deal: I just ordered 50 of these babies from a coupon clipping service and am on the phone with the Winn Dixie manager in GG City as I type having her order 100 of these!!!! There should be a $1 Catalina Q that prints for every 1 you buy!!!

They will be in on Sunday morning!!!! I'm hoping to get the coupons on Saturday or Monday. If you want to do this with me I need you to meet me at Winn Dixie either on Sunday morning or Monday night before Clipper Chicks! Comment to let me know if you are in and how many q's you want to buy. The q's are $.15 each.


  1. I'm in...I'll take 20 Qs...that's 40 free Glade plug ins and $40 in Catalina's, right?!?! Woohoo!!!

  2. Teri- I'd like to do this-- can you help me? Let me know what I need to do. (Call me or email). I could use some extra (diaper?) money! :)

  3. i'm in! i'll follow michele's lead and take 20, if possible. let me know what time you want to meet! sky

  4. Teri-I'd like to do it as well. If you have enough I'll take 20...what can you buy with Catalina coupons??

  5. I would like to get in on this, too, if there are any left. I won't be available on Sunday morning, but Monday evening would be terrific. Let me know. Anita
