Saturday, February 27, 2010

Newbie Talk on Monday

Hey there,
I wanted to remind you all that Michele will be giving a newbie "How to start couponing" talk this coming Monday March 1 at The Clipper Chicks meeting. The talk will begin at 8:00 pm at Chic-fil-a on Airport Road.

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about how you can save money using coupons and reduce your weekly shopping bill. Come and join us. I'll give a broad overview of organizing your coupons and using coupons at stores like Publix and CVS. We'll talk about internet coupons, helpful blogs and give real life examples of great shopping trips.

If your a seasoned couponer come add to the conversation and encourage others to take the time to use coupons too.

See you then!


  1. Glad you are back Michelle. We have missed you. Lori and a few girls meet at 6:30 so we can eat early so we will be there then. See you Monday. We have missed you and Teri.

  2. Wonderful Article,Really Superb,I Know About Coupons,Really Helps to Save money When Online Shopping...
